Monday, July 5, 2010

Almond Rocks It and Schiavone Grills It

This Thursday (July 8th) promises a rockin' evening with Steve Almond and Dayna Kurtz. The gig, which promotes Steve's stellar book, Rock and Roll Will Save Your Life, will be held at the Oberon in Cambridge -- details can be found here. Why go, you ask? Because Steve's writing has made it to my top ten list of authors, and because I, to my utter chagrin, cannot attend. Family duties call and I must fulfill, but perhaps you can go, dear Art2Art friends? Flip me, I can't believe what I'm missing.

As you may already know, Steve is a master of deeply felt writing that is never sentimental, often wry, and jawdroppingly honest. There truly isn't another voice out there like his. Plus he's a brilliant presenter. Hilarious, heartfelt, penetrating, profound.

Add in Dayna Kurtz's stellar tunes and you've got a night to remember.

The second gig I'm missing is Timothy Gager's Dire Literary Series Annual BBQ, starring Art2Art friend and reader Michael Schiavone, whose new novel is soon to rock your world. Mike is a powerful writer whose voice will stay with you. His work is inventive, edgy, and hits you with pure force. It's going to be a treat-and-a-half. Do yourself a favour and check out the details.

And save a hot-dog for me, would you?

Saturday, July 3, 2010

We're All Going on a Summer Holiday...

Just a note to remind everyone that we're taking a break over the summer. Our space in the Piano Factory gets ludicrously hot during the summer months and it's really rather an uncomfortable place to perform (and breathe) when it's steamy outside. But we look forward to being back in the fall with some fabulous new performers as well as wondrous Art2Art favourites. Until then, enjoy the season!

The pic is of our talented friend KL Pereira, who read her gorgeous work at the last Art2Art. KL is a fabulous writer-teacher. Check out her blog here.